Friday 21 August 2009

Time to leave the glyphs

At least temporarily due to the incredibly low prices. Out of 90 kinds of glyphs I got 2 posted today, I do have a high treshold at the moment (12g) to avoid dumping my glyphs too cheap. It has now gone so far that I have decided that the time spent just posting is not worth the money I make from it. Therefor I will quit inscription, for a while. Of course I will still have the profession, but I will leave the glyph market completly until it starts to look better and focus on enchanting and JC to make gold and hopefully return in a week or two.


  1. the price have sunk on glyphs on my server too, one guy posted 10 of each kind of glyph at 3.99g so that's how much every single glyph costs now xp except for a few. looks like no-one on my server have the conflagerate glyph :o altough my threshold is at ~1.5g each so i'll attempt to ride it out, You no take glyph market!

  2. I'm sure that could work too. I'd love to get a report on how that works out for you in the future to see what method is the most effective one.

  3. So far the three days we've had it this way, i haven't noticed anything negative for me, well, except that i don't get as much money per glyph anymore. But i'm getting more sales now, my theory is that my other competitors got abit disheartened with the new price and have been alot less aggressive on undercutting. Which in return makes me sell more glyphs, the one who crashed everything seems to just keep his glyphs at the 3.99g mark and at 48h post showing no intent on canceling and undercutting, i hope that he will loose money on the deposit costs ;D

  4. That's great, I am planning to use that as a last resort (I really don't like crafting). Good luck with your glyph sales.
