Thursday, 22 October 2009


Hello everybody! Sorry about the slow updates lately, I haven't had a lot of time to write the past week du to a lot of stuff in school. Nothing new has really happened so today's post wont be about gold making. What will it be about? Well, this:

Beaches? No. The picture above is taken on Lanzarote, one of the Canarian Islands, which is where I'm going during the next week. During the whole week I wont have any acess to WoW and very limited or none internet connection. Thus, no new post for at least a week.

That's all I had to say for today.


  1. Enjoy your trip! See you soon :)

  2. SPAIN, not Spane.

  3. Yes, SPAIN!! ;D (I'm from Spain ^^)

  4. Oh, sorry. I always thought it was Spane. Luckilly I got acess to a computer with internet here (for 1 euro per 16 minutes) so I can still be a bit nerdy. And just to make you a bit jealous, it's about 25 degrees here, the water is warm, there are a lot of fish in the sea which you can swim up very closely to. I definently recomend anyone who can to go here.

    The only problems here is that it's stupidly hot in the sun but otherwise it's great.

    I only got about 5 minutes left and got some more stuff to check so can't really write anything more.

  5. I actually thought you knew how to spell "Spain" and you wrote "Spane" for the coolness. Don't worry, you still know your other business

  6. In most cases I do know it, but everyone makes a spelling mistake now and then (in my case, more often than not)
